Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Goodby 2008

Tonight CBS had their end of the year Christmas specials. Charlie Brown and his pals rang in the New Year with a dance while Charlie tried to finish reading War and Peace. I guess the title of that book is a good summary of just about any year lately. The Charlie Brown special was followed by Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer saving the New Year. It was actually a very interesting story. It seems that Father Time has called out to Santa Claus for help because Happy the Baby New Year has disappeared and if he doesn't get back in six days than the Old Year will continue forever. The weather is horrible and so Rudolph is asked to go out and find him before it's too late. It is not an easy mission though because there is an evil bird out there trying to find him as well. This evil bird is supposed to turn into snow and ice with the New Year so he wants to find the Baby and stop him from taking the throne of the New Year. In other words he wants to stop time. A strange story yes, but if you think about it that is kind of scary. Just imagine if 2008 never ended. What if it just went on and on and on? Some parts of that might not be too bad, there were many good things that happened in 2008, but there was also a lot of bad.

That is always the great thing about a New Year, we get to restart all over again. We put the old year behind us and say things will be different this year. They may not be, but at least we have some hope that they will be. January first always gives us a clean slate in a way. We need that, we want that. So thankfully tomorrow night we can say goodbye 2008, its time to move on. Its time for 2009!

Pastor Fred

Monday, August 25, 2008

John McCain, Misty May and Family of Christ

The latest news from Family of Christ is that a bunch of us had lunch with John McCain and Misty May (Who won the gold medal for beach volleyball last week) on Sunday. We had a great time. We even watched a Diamondbacks game together. I had a bratwurst and then some Panda Express. Darla and the kids had pizza. The rest of the Family of Christ had all kinds of different foods and drinks. I didn't see what John and Misty were eating but I have a feeling they didn't stand in line to buy it. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to give John any advice on a running mate, and Misty wouldn't let me hold her gold medal. But it sure was a lot of fun being with them.
Now I have to admit that we didn't have a lot of conversation, actually we didn't have any at all. It is kind of hard to talk to someone when they are on the other side of the field or in a box suite. 20,000 other people kept getting in the way as well. But I saw them on the big screen in the stadium. John was there, well because he is from Phoenix and with the Democratic Convention this week, he might as well take a few days off. And Misty was there because her husband plays for the Florida Marlins who the Diamondbacks were playing.
Family of Christ's name appeared on the big screen as well during the game, so you could say that we did share the spotlight with them. Overall a great time was had by all.

Pastor Fred

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hey Let's do some Bible Study

Starting on Tuesday September 9th there will be a new Bible study called TUMBS. It is for whatever ails you. TUMBS stands for Tuesday Morning Bible clasS. We will be studying the book of Luke this year. The class starts at 9 a.m. with some coffee and refreshments and then the study will start at 9:15 a.m. and go until 10:15 a.m. Everyone including parents in the Learning center are invited to take part. It will be lots of fun. The book of Luke presents the life of Christ a easy to follow manner and has many of the good parables. So come and join us in Room 1.

Pastor Fred

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Where have I been?

That is what many people have been asking when they look at the blog online. What in the world have you been doing? Well I will have to admit not so much that I couldn't have updated this blog sooner. But lately yes I have been on the run. At the end of July I spent a week in Seward Nebraska. It sounded like a fun entertaining place so why not right? It is a corn lover's dream. Corn as far as you can see and cattle mooing in the background. Let me tell you it was the highlight of my summer. That is why they call me mister excitement! No actually I was there for a music and worship conference. It was great, 720 people gathered together to study music and liturgy and worship and 719 of them could sing and play. I sat in the audience. It was the best conference I have ever been too. Learned a ton and enjoyed it all. Then two days after getting home I headed up north for a Pastor's Retreat. That was fun too. Then I had a couple of days in the office and headed up to Lewiston Idaho to do a wedding. I am sure you have heard of Lewiston it is famous for....? Well anyway it is in Northern Idaho and the scenery is great, no corn fields there. Finally got back to Phoenix last night. I am tired, I just want to stay home for awhile, but this weekend we are headed back up north to install a guy in Payson. It never ends.

I learned some things on my trips though. The first one is that there is no good substitute for toothpaste. No matter how hard I plan I always forget something and the new airline restrictions don't help. So when I got to Seward I realized the next morning I had forgot my toothpaste. Well my roommate had already left so I couldn't ask to borrow his and I was going to be spending the day with over 700 people. Skipping brushing my teeth was not an option. So I headed to the bookstore and they didn't have any. So there I stood in the bathroom with my toothbrush but no paste. It was then that I saw the bar of soap I had just used in the shower. My mind went back to all those times I sat in a corner with one of those in my mouth because of some word I had said. I didn't remember it being very pleasant. But man not brushing my teeth, that thought I couldn't stand. So as I looked at it I thought well it is just soap right? And isn't toothpaste soap. Well.... So I ran my toothbrush across it several times closed my eyes and began to brush my teeth. The first 5 seconds weren't so bad but then the soap was all over my mouth and I think I swallowed some. Thankfully I was in the bathroom alone because within seconds I found my self on the floor gagging and then spitting everything out of my mouth into the sink. I was filling my mouth with water and doing everything I could to get it out. It took an hour or so before the taste of soap finally left my mouth. Again there is no good substitute for toothpaste.

Second lesson. You know that car insurance they always want you to take out on a rental car? Well not a bad idea. I have driven tons of rental cars and never had a problem and felt I had been flushing money down the drain buying that insurance. So when I arrived in Spokane this past week I turned down all the insurance. I mean what could possibly happen? Five miles from the airport on I-90 headed into Spokane a semi passed me and threw up a rock and hit the windshield dead center. Huge rock chip! I still am waiting for the bill on that. Buy the insurance!

The other thing I learned is that every place you have lived has certain things you always have to do when you return. Lewiston is a town of about 30,000 people with about another 15,000 across the river in Clarkston. Not very big compared to Fort Wayne or Phoenix. But it has two of the best restaurants I have ever been to. One is Fazzaries in Clarkston WA. Best pizza ever, bar none. And then Taco Time in Lewiston. Now I know they are a chain and I have ate at a great number of them. But the one in Lewiston is the best one in the country. It has even won awards to show it. No other Taco Time measures up. Then I found another little restaurant which I will return to some day. My buddy suggested we go eat breakfast at a place called the Bait Shop. Not exactly the most appealing sounding place to eat. So I reluctantly went. It is a fisherman's hang out with all kinds of fishing gear on the walls and most of the people in there looked like they spent all their time fishing. Sometimes they even put a gummy worm on your plate. Well I ordered breakfast and I have to tell you I have never tasted pancakes so good in my life. I think we spent close to two hours in there eating and talking. It is just a tiny run down looking place but man the food is out of this world!

So that is what I have been doing since April. Basically traveling and eating. I will try to be more regular here.

Pastor Fred

Monday, April 7, 2008

Living in a Kid's World

A funny thing happened this weekend, I realized I like living in a kid's world. We had a bunch of older family members visiting this week and then on Saturday we had a bunch more older ones show up at our house for a day long visit. Now that sounds like lots of fun at first, and they were all very nice, but they didn't fit into our kid's world. Now I not just referring here to our "Kid's" world but my kid's world as well. Let me explain. Years ago BK (before kids) we used to watch shows like CSI and Cold Case and Criminal Minds. We, or I in particular used to watch serious and sometimes action or violent movies, and it was quiet when we did these things. Our world was an adult world, where if there were children present, they were seen and not heard. Then the gumba's, the twins came along and everything suddenly changed.
Our world now is a kid's world. We do not watch CSI or Cold Case or Criminal Minds any longer. They are too dark and scary for the kids. We do not watch violent movies for the same reason. In fact we hardly watch TV at all any longer. When we do watch it is Sesame Street and Elmo and good cartoons. We also watch kid's movies, I can recite lines and songs from Madam Blueberry and Pooh. We still watch the news but we have to sit close so that we can hear it over their playing. We sing kids songs and we play kid's music. Our kids also have an electronic drum machine and a keyboard which is constantly being used. Our house is always full of music. We also spend a great deal of time playing outside in the yard or at the park. We ride bikes, we play on swings. In other words we live in a kid's world.
So it was hard this weekend to all of sudden be living in an adult world. I didn't much like it to be honest. They expected my kids to be quiet, they expected my kids not to play their keyboard and drum machine. They wanted to watch a serious movie, and be able to hear it. They didn't want the kids interrupting their conversations. The adults, as usual, made it all about what they wanted. At one point I took the kids and spent several hours playing with them instead of talking to the adults.
Needless to say, although the adults were nice and friendly, I was glad to see them pull out of my driveway so that I could go back to my kid's world. Today I will probably watch Madam Blueberry for the 157th time. I will probably read another kids book at bedtime. I will probably get in a tickling contest and lose. I will probably set up the bubble machine and listen to them hammer on the keyboard and dance around the room to their own beat. That's my kid's world and I love it. Someday I will return to the serious adult world and I will probably complain about other people's kids making to much noise, but for now turn up the music, put on Elmo and let the bubbles rise. Kids really know how to live.

Pastor Fred

Read Thru the Bible week 22

Here are the readings for this week

April 7 - Psalms 24, 25, 26 and John 10:22-42
April 8 - Psalms 27, 28, 29 and John 11:1-29
April 9 - Psalms 31, 35 and John 11:30-57
April 10 - Psalms 36, 37, 38 and John 12:1-26
April 11 - Psalms 39, 40, 41 and John 12:27-50
April 12 - Psalms 53, 55, 58 and John 13:1-20
April 13 - Psalms 61, 62, 65 and John 13:21-38

Pastor Fred

Monday, March 31, 2008

Adventures in Cardiology

For those of you who don't know I just spent an adventuristic weekend in Chandler Regional Hospital. I went in because I had some pain in my chest and some trouble breathing on Friday. I really didn't want to go in because I figured they would just tell me it was gas or my imagination. But it wouldn't stop so I went. When I arrived at the hospital and took a look at the ER I almost got back in my car and drove home. It was packed. But I discovered something during my visit that might be of use to some of you. If you ever have to go to ER for any reason and you want to avoid the long lines just walk up to the front and inform them that you are having problems with your heart. Let me tell they get all excited about that. You will be moved right to the front of the line. Then when you are getting taken care of you can just kind of mention your real problem and hey you are already there.
Well my little visit turned into several hours in ER and then getting checked into the hospital. The next day it resulted in a heart cauterization. Which is where they stick a tube up through your leg and into your heart and spray dye all over to see what your problem is. They didn't discover any blockage but they did discover some heart disease and some narrowing of the passages. I ended up not getting out of there until Sunday night. Needless to say I am now on several medications I can't even pronounce. They said the first week or so they would make me tired and dizzy. Like that would be any different from how I feel all the time now. They were right, I have spent most of today drifting in and out at my desk.
I am not exactly happy about all of this, especially when I saw the diet they want me to follow. It should have just said, "Eat Cardboard." Now I have to reorganized my life, because these pills have be taken at certain times under certain conditions and I have to be aware of certain side effects. I also have to pay close attention to my diabetes. So now I am making doctor's appointments and trying to figure my schedule for eating and I have to cut down on coffee, popcorn, salt, butter you name it. It is going to be a real pain.
The good news is I am still alive and it looks like I am going to keep breathing for some time. In the end I look at it as a God thing, because I had not been taking my meds as I should, and I had not been eating the right way. I was skipping breakfast, drinking to much coffee and pop and paying no attention to my sugar levels. Well now I don't have a choice. Or at least I don't have more than one good choice. Get my act in gear or die in my backyard clutching my chest. I think I will chose the first option. I can still drink a little coffee and most importantly I might just be around for my kids graduation from college.
So I would encourage all of who are not taking care of your health to start, because even spending three days in the hospital was hard, imagine spending weeks there. Plus if you don't take care of yourself you will find yourself facing all kinds of fun restrictions on your diet and taking all kinds of pills.

Pastor Fred

Reading thru the Bible week 21

Here are the readings for this week

March 31 - Psalms 4, 5, 6 and John 7:1-27
April 1 - Psalms 7, 8 and John 7:28-53
April 2 - Psalms 9, 11 and John 8:1-27
April 3 - Psalms 12, 13, 14 and John 8:28-59
April 4 - Psalms 15, 16 and John 9:1-23
April 5 - Psalms 17, 19 and John 9:24-41
April 6 - Psalms 20, 21, 22 and John 10:1-21

Pastor Fred

Monday, March 24, 2008

Reading Thru the Bible week 20

Okay now I missed two weeks I can't believe it! Okay no excuses here just have to get back on the horse

March 24 - 2 Samuel 13, 14 and John 4:1-26
March 25 - 2 Samuel 15 and Psalms 3, 69 and John 4:27-54
March 26 - 2 Samuel 16, 17, 18 and John 5:1-24
March 27 - 2 Samuel 19, 20 and John 5:25-47
March 28 - Psalms 64, 70 and John 6:1-21
March 29 - 2 Samuel 21, 22 and Psalms 18 and John 6:22-40
March 30 - 2 Samuel 23, 24 and John 6:41-71

Pastor Fred

Monday, March 10, 2008

Read thru the Bible week 19

I know Missed last, but it gave you a chance to catch up.

March 10 - 1 Samuel 30,31 and Luke 24:1-35
March 11 - 2 Samuel 1, 2 and Luke 24:36-53
March 12 - 2 Samuel 3, 4, 5 and John 1:1-28
March 13 - 2 Samuel 6, 7 and Psalms 30 and John 1:29-51
March 14 - 2 Samuel 8, 9 and Psalms 60 and John 2
March 15 - 2 Samuel 10,11, 12 and John 3:1-15
March 16 - Psalms 32, 51 and John 3:16-36

Pastor Fred

Monday, February 25, 2008

Reading Thru the Bible Week 18

Here are the reads

February 25 - 1 Samuel 19, Psalms 23, 59, and Luke 21:1-19
February 26 - 1 Samuel 20, 21, Psalms 34 and Luke 21:20-38
February 27 - 1 Samuel 22, Psalms 56, and Luke 22:1-23
February 28 - Psalms 52, 57, 142, and Luke 22:24-46
February 29 - 1 Samuel 23, Psalms 54, 63 and Luke 22:47-71
March 1 - 1 Samuel 24, 25, 26, 27 and Luke 23:1-25
March 2 - 1 Samuel 28, 29 and Luke 23:26-56

Notice that we start seeing more Psalms mixed in as we get to the time of David. That is because David wrote most of the Psalms. I don't know about you but the book of Judges through 2 kinds are some of the most interesting books in the entire Bible.

Pastor Fred

Monday, February 18, 2008

Reading thru the Bible week 17

Here are the readings

February 18 - 1 Samuel 1,2,3 and Luke 17:20-37
February 19 - 1 Samuel 4, 5, 6, and Luke 18:1-23
February 20 - 1 Samuel 7, 8, 9 and Luke 18:24-43
February 21 - 1 Samuel 10, 11, 12 and Luke 19:1-27
February 22 - 1 Samuel 13, 14 and Luke 19:28-48
February 23 - 1 Samuel 15, 16 and Luke 20:1-26
February 24 - 1 Samuel 17, 18 and Luke 20:27-47

Pastor Fred

Monday, February 11, 2008

Read thru the Bible week 16

Here are the readings

February 11 - Judges 7, 8 and Luke 13:23-35
February 12 - Judges 9, 10 and Luke 14:1-24
February 13 - Judges 11, 12 and Luke 14:25-35
February 14 - Judges 13, 14, 15 and Luke 15:1-10
February 15 - Judges 16, 17, 18 and Luke 15:11-32
February 16 - Judges 19, 20, 21 and Luke 16
February 17 - Ruth 1, 2, 3, 4 and Luke 17:-19

Pastor Fred

Monday, February 4, 2008

One Season Ends, Another One Begins

The end of the football season and the beginning of a big church season coincide this year. Yesterday we all watched a game that seemed like a big defensive struggle through the first three quarters. Wasn't that Giant's defense amazing? You gotta be happy for Strahan. Plus it was kind of nice to see the Patriots come apart. They couldn't do anything. Payton's little brother seemed to keep it together no matter what happened. Now some people don't like a low scoring game, but those are the same people who watch the game for the commercials. Speaking of commercials I wasn't impressed by any of them. You would think for 3 million dollars they would do something interesting. The fourth quarter was probably one of the most spellbinding quarters of football all season, not because of anything spectacular but because it looked like the Patriots might actually lose. That quickly changed when they scored again and we all leaned back in our armchairs and said well what else could we have expected. And then Payton's little brother became Eli and did what no one thought he could do. He drove down the field escaping from tacklers along the way and eventually threw a touchdown to the man who had predicted a New York victory. And as if to top everything off and show that good does win over evil, the Patriot coach (Darth Vader) left the field with time still on the clock. It was like the end of a superhero movie where the good guy (Eli) saves the day but the bad guy (Darth Vadar) gets away at the last second (literally) to plot his next attack. Yes New England will be back! And you could add a few more dramatic lines in here like Darth Vadar saying, "And I would have gotten away with it if had been for that meddeling kid (Eli)" And you could also add in a Senator's name that is similar to spectator. So the football season is over and now is the time of my discontent, but April and the draft is coming.
Now we begin the next season, not a sport season, sports are over until training camp in July. No this is a church season. The season of Lent which kicks off (get that kicks off, okay bad joke) this Wednesday with Ash Wednesday. We will be holding Wednesday evening services for the next six weeks at 7 p.m. There will be soup suppers preceding them starting Wednesday the 12th. The series that we are following this year is Lamb of God Pure and Holy which is a Lutheran hymn (LSB 434). The themes are as follows: "The Pure and Holy Lamb of God"; The Crucified Lamb of God; The Patient Lamb of God; The Lowly Lamb of God; The Lamb of God Who Bears Our Sins Away; The Lamb of God Who Suffered Scorn; On Maundy Thursday the theme will be, "The Lamb of God Who Has Mercy on Us. On Good Friday it will be "The Lamb of God Who Gives Us Rest."
If you have not picked up a devotional book yet please do so on Wednesday. It follows the themes and provides good meditation.
The story of Lent is similar to the story line of the football game that we saw yesterday. It looks all throughout the story that the bad guy is going to win. And yet time after time Satan is frustrated and keeps getting sacked by Jesus. But then as the game comes a close Satan scores big with the crucifixion and it looks like it is all over. But then Jesus shows what he really made of and rises from the dead. The result is an upset victory in the eyes of the world. The good guy wins agains.

Pastor Fred

Reading Thru the Bible week 15

I know I missed last week, but that should give some you time to catch up.

February 4 - Joshua 10, 11, 12 and Luke 10:1-24
February 5 - Joshua 13, 14, 15 and Luke 10:25-42
February 6 - Joshua 16, 17, 18 and Luke 11:1-28
February 7 - Joshua 19, 20, 21 and Luke 11:29-54
February 8 - Joshua 22, 23, 24 and Luke 12:1-31
February 9 - Judges 1, 2, 3 and Luke 12:32-59
February 10 - Judges 4, 5, 6 and Luke 13:1-22

Pastor Fred

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Transfiguration Sunday vs. Superbowl Sunday

Well this is the big weekend! This is what everything has been leading up to. This is the weekend of transfiguration! If you follow the church calendar this Sunday is the last Sunday of Epiphany better known as Transfiguration Sunday. On this Sunday we traditionally celebrate Jesus changing appearance on the mountain. He glows white and Moses and Elijah appear with him and the Father speaks from heaven. For the disciples that see this it is an amazing sight. They are so overcome by it that they don't even know what to say. They know one thing they don't want to ever leave.
A few miles from here another transfiguration is also happening. In fact this transfiguration has been years in the planning. I am of course talking about the Superbowl in Glendale (suburb of Phoenix) I know you think you are your own town, your not, get over it, we own you and you know it. If you have watched the news you have seen all the lights and you have heard about all the fuss. That section of Phoenix has been completely changed for this event. Why, well because its the Superbowl the show case event for what is the richest sports league of any kind in the world. And more than that the whole country, the whole world in fact is watching. We want to look good. Why do we want to look good, well because we want them to give us another Superbowl in the near future and we want people to come on vacation here and spend, spend, spend. We also want people to move here and buy all those houses that no one can pay for. We also want Phoenix to be mentioned in the same breath that New York, Chicago or L.A. is. This is our big chance to get the world to say, "Wow, that city in the desert has it going on." So we transfigure everything and light up the night sky. But you know what on Monday Glendale (suburb of Phoenix) is going to look like a Hollyward star after a hard night out. It is not going to be pretty.

Jesus transfiguration was a completely different deal. He lite up the mountain top and wowed the disciples. When it was all over they didn't know what to think, but they knew they had seen something divine. They knew they had received a glimpse of the glory of God. And they didn't forget it either. In 2 Peter 1:16-18 Peter says, "We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice come to him from the Majestic glory, saying, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." We ourselves heard the voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain." The transfiguration became part of the foundation of their faith. It is also part of our faith, because the story of the transfiguration has been shared now for two thousand years in the gospels. Jesus' transfiguration has helped lead to our transfiguration.

So enjoy the Superbowl I know I will be. I don't plan on missing a second of it or the commercials. Enjoy the transfiguration

Pastor Fred

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Read Thur the Bible week 14

Here are the readings

January 21 - Deuteronomy 26, 27 and Luke 7:1-30
January 22 - Deuteronomy 28,29 and Luke 7:31-50
January 23 - Deuteronomy 30,31 and Luke 8:1-25
January 24 -Deuteronomy 32, 33, 34 and Luke 8:26-55
January 25 - Joshua 1, 2, 3, and Luke 9:1-17
January 26 - Joshua 4, 5, 6 and Luke 9:18-36
January 27 - Joshua 7, 8, 9 and Luke 9:37-62

Pastor Fred

Monday, January 14, 2008

Reading Thru the Bible week 13

Anybody out there? Didn't hear anyone complain about no readings last week. Sorry about missing last week. I would like to say that it was to give you a week to catch up but I just simply got caught up in other things and forgot.

January 14 - Deuteronomy 5, 6,7 and Luke 3
January 15 - Deuteronomy 8,9,10 and Luke 4:1-30
January 16, - Deuteronomy 11, 12, 13, and Luke 4:31-44
January 17 - Deuteronomy 14, 15, 16 and Luke 5:1-16
January 18 - Deuteronomy 17, 18, 19 and Luke 5:17-39
January 19 - Deuteronomy 20,21,22 and Luke 6:1-26
January 20 - Deuteronomy 23,24,25 and Luke 6:27-49

Pastor Fred

Friday, January 4, 2008

What I would like to see happen in 2008

The paper has been full of people making New Year's resolutions the past week. Many of them were interesting and some even funny. There was one guy who made resolutions for others instead of himself. As I said Sunday I don't make resolutions, at least not ones that I tell anyone about, I mean then people would hold me accountable and I might have to actually try to keep them and what would be the fun in that. So I am going to follow the lead of the guy who made New Year's resolutions for other people. This is what I would love to see happen in my little world in 2008.

I want my close to 3 year daughter to continue to walk around the house singing songs about Jesus, most of which I don't understand but the key words always seem to come out. I also hope that she remains as stubborn as she is, she is a pastor's daughter and she is going to need that stubbornness to make it through childhood in the fishbowl.
I want my close to 3 year old son to continue being the prayer in the family. Charlie won't eat without praying and won't go to bed with praying and several times in the day just likes to pray for whatever reason. He doesn't say much but he always knows how to say a hearty Amen! I also want him to retain his sense of wonder, every time I come home he acts like I have been gone for a month, makes me feel kind of like a rock star. He also likes to be with daddy wherever he goes.
I want my wife to continue to have the patience of Job as she raises three kids, Charlie, Jasmine and me. It is not easy being a stay at home mom when you have had a career, plus the pay is lousy and there is no vacation time.
I want on November 4th of this year Christians throughout the country to get on their hands and knees and pray for the new President Elect no matter what party he or she belongs too. Ultimately everything is in God's hands and even if you know "who" gets elected, (Oops almost went there), we have to remember that in the past God got us through well you know "who", (Oops almost went there again.)
I would like to see the immigration debate be a debate about laws and what is right and what is wrong instead of one about language and culture and skin color and for crying out loud quit the yelling and playing the loud music!
I would like to see us express our gratitude for those who serve in the military. Many of them have given much more than we will ever know or understand. Their sacrifices need to be appreciated and remembered no matter what your politics are.
I would like to see Christians stand up for what they believe and quit apologizing for their faith. The world needs to know what we feel about moral issues and about who God is. I would like to see it done though with gentleness and respect.
I would like to see Family of Christ continue to grow into being the family of God. Where we don't just look at each other as people we know from church but as brothers and sisters that God has put together to serve him. I watched that happen many times in 2007 and it was awesome to be a part of people taking care of one another in ways that maybe me and few others will ever actually know of on this side of time.
I would like to see our church grow with many young families with children joining. I would like to see our older members mentor or I guess the new term is coach the younger fathers and mothers and share their wisdom. I would like to see many of the older people connect with more of the youngest people in the family, serving as grandparents and role models.
I would like to see the back two rows all the way across be where the families of small children sit together and take care of one another. I would love to see the children on the floor dancing to the music and even playing with their toys during the service. You might call me crazy but I watched just that for seven years and it was great. They were not a distraction to the older people who all sat up front (hint, hint), and personal relationships between families of faith were established and strengthened as the congregation looked at all the children as their own. In fact when Darla and I got Charlie and Jasmine we made the entire congregation god parents. And believe me they took it seriously.
I would like to see no need for a nursery anymore because all the children are in church with families taking care of each other's children. It can happen, I have seen it!
I would like to see no problems getting Sunday School teachers or people to help take down chairs and set up the multi-purpose room on Sunday so the same people don't have to do it all the time.
I would love members who have problems with other members or issues in the church to go to the person that they have the issues with and settle them before we have to deal with church disciple issues.
I would love to see people brought to faith or strengthened in their faith this year. I would like to see continual growth in the relationship between the learning center and the church. I would like to see our upcoming Alpha program be a force to draw in those who have questions or who think they already know all the answers.
I would love to see us all realize that not everything that is traditional is Scriptural and that not everything that is Scriptural is traditional. I would like us to see that tradition and contemporary doesn't mean bad or good it just means different and sometimes different is good.
I would like to see us forget about how we did it in the past and concentrate on how we should do it now. I would like to see us love our way of worship but love people more. I would like to see us love our great doctrine but realize that not everybody is ready to swallow the whole book at the same time. Sometimes people need to be met where they are and then loved into wanting to learn the doctrine. I would like to see us realize that it is alright to disagree and that sometimes we are the one that is wrong.
I would love to see us be devoted to God and nothing else this year. If we can do that, all that stuff I just mentioned, well it will happen.

Pastor Fred

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Lutheranism 101 - Part 27 - The Third Article II

As many of you know I am taking these few days to do planning for most of the year. So I am camping out at Starbucks drinking coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon. In some ways I am amazed at the progress that I have made and in other ways I am frustrated. What seems like a good idea one minute doesn't look as good later on. I think I am beginning to finally firm up some stuff though. I am in outline form at least in September already. I think I will stop there and start putting some meat on that outline. In the process I have not forgotten about Lutheranism 101 so we are back to the Third Article of the Apostle's Creed. Let's look at the Church or the communion of Saints.

There is only one church but it is both visible and invisible. That doesn't make a lot of sense at first but there is some solid logic behind it. The visible church is the church that we can see. That is all the people who belong to a church or show up at church on any given Sunday or really anyone that says they are a Christian. They are visible, we can see them, we can count them. The real church though is invisible. We say it's invisible because we cannot see faith. This church consists of all the people who actually believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. So we say that the visible church contains the invisible church. What I mean by that is that not everyone in the visible church is part of the invisible church. There are many people who attend church but do not believe. They are there for a variety of reasons but not because they are actually Christians. Only God can see the invisible church.

So really the church is the people of God gathered together. That is the real meaning of Church. Now we also use the word church to indicate other things like a denomination, a local congregation or a house of worship. But the core meaning is the people of God.

The next question is how do you know what local visible church to attend? Well hopefully the answer isn't the one that is closest to you. When you are looking for a church you want to find one that believes that the Bible is literally the Word of God and that it is inspired and inerrant. If a church doesn't believe that, stay away from it. When the Word of God is compromised then everything else will be as well. Also you should look at how they view the sacraments. Scripture makes clear that God's grace is given in both baptism and the Lord's Supper. So you should ask questions about what they think about the word of God and the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper. You should also listen very carefully to their doctrine and what they say about forgiveness and eternal life. Scripture tells us that we are justified by faith alone. If they tell you that there is something you have to do as well to go heaven run out the front door and keep on running.
As far as worship styles and ways of worship those are personal preferences that you will have to decide for yourself. The important thing is that the word of God is taught correctly.

The church is very important to God, in fact the Bible tells us that we are the body of Christ and that Christ is our head. God also refers to the church as his bride. So God loves the church. God also has given the church a mission or a job. That job is spread the good news that Jesus Christ has earned forgiveness for everyone through his death on the cross and his resurrection from the dead.

Here are Scripture verses for you: Ephesians 2:19-22; 2 Timothy 2:19; Acts 2:41, 47; Romans 12:4-5; Ephesians 4:3-6; Ephesians 5:25-27; Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:42; 1 Corinthians 1:10; Galatians 1:8; 2 Timothy 4:3; Acts 1:8

Pastor Fred

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Reading Thur the Bible Week 12

Here are the readings a little bit late this week, sorry.

December 31 - Numbers 23, 24, 25 and Mark 16
January 1 - Numbers 26, 27 and Luke 1:1-20
January 2 - Numbers 28, 29, 30 and Luke 1:21-38
January 3 - Numbers 31, 32, 33 and Luke 1:39-56
January 4 - Numbers 34, 35, 36 and Luke 1:57-80
January 5 - Deuteronomy 1, 2 and Luke 2:1-24
January 6 - Deuteronomy 3, 4 and Luke 2:25-52

Pastor Fred